WE’RE all in this together.

The Tory party recently held a General Election fundraiser at one of the most expensive hotels in London.

Guests paid £15,000 per table and raised £3 million for Tory funds.

Among items auctioned were a weekend pheasant shoot for eight people — £110,000; a day trip to Santorini, Greece, on a private jet for £70,000 and a shoe shopping expedition with Home Secretary Theresa May.

The auction was full of hedge fund managers and big business owners.

The Tories, rather than standing up for hard-working people, are selling pheasant shoots to the super rich. Ordinary families are struggling to make ends meet, while David Cameron dines with hedge fund managers.

So there is no austerity for the rich then. If the Tories are elected in May we will face more of the same — tens of billions more of cuts particularly affecting deprived areas like the North West.

Cameron should go now with all his privileged mates.

Tony Wilson
UNISON NEC member (National Executive Council) member North West Region