nRADCLIFFE Council has pledged support for proposals to clean up the valleys of the Irwell and Croal and provide a pleasant parkway along the river banks to replace the derelict and unsightly areas left by the industrial revolution.

It has expressed itself in favour of a suggestion to set up a joint committee comprising representatives of the County Council and all authorities in and adjoining the valleys with a view to planning and implementing the Croal Irwell valley scheme.

The borough Council is asking, however, that the county should extend its previous study of the area so that it can include a further area of the river in Radcliffe – the stretch from Radcliffe Bridge to the River Roach.

At the monthly meeting of the Development Committee the Borough Surveyor, Mr John Nuttall, reported on outline proposals which the County Planning Department had put forward for consideration as a result of a study of the river valleys between Salford, Bolton and Radcliffe.

He said that the proposals, if implemented, would bring about an improvement of appearance and the restoration of derelict land.

The committee recognised that there were environmental deficiencies in the river valleys and that there was a need for comprehensive action to bring about the improvement of appearance and facilities. On the committee’s recommendation the Council has now agreed to support the scheme and has approved the outline proposals in principle.

n INVITING people to ‘come and see the past, present and future of Scouting’, the Radcliffe Scouts’ Association has been holding a special diamond jubilee exhibition in the district during the past two weeks.

Members of the public have their fourth and final chance to see the exhibition tonight when it closes at the Ainsworth Parish Church school.

nTHIEVES broke into the Sion Street works of the Solar Wear Company over the week end and stole £320 worth of suede coats.The theft was discovered when work re-started on Monday morning,