A FOOD charity has thanked its legions of supporters after giving out a record number of emergency parcels last year.

Radcliffe-based Porch Boxes gave out the equivalent of 5,110 boxes of food from January to December, 2015, an average of 426 a month, to help struggling families in the region.

The charity also delivered 499 special Christmas hampers, presents for 144 children, and has just given out 253 Easter eggs.

Porch Boxes chairman Julia Rowlands said: "The message we would want to send to the people of Radcliffe and Bury is a massive thank you to all the schools and churches that supported us at Harvest time in October and then continued to support us throughout the year.

"Also a huge thanks to those who gave to us at Christmas time. Plus a thanks to the people who donated eggs at Easter. At the moment we shop for certain items most weeks.

"We also seek out funding and grants to allow us to do this and also enable us to buy specific items which families need which we do not get donated, usually the more expensive items, like specific nappy sizes or a particular formula of baby milk.

"When people kindly donate food to us this means we use less of the funding we find which ensures we can survive as an organisation for longer."

The charity also provided much-needed support and expertise during the aftermath of the Boxing Day floods, helping the volunteer-led relief efforts in Radcliffe.

She added: "We would be really grateful if churches and schools are planning for their harvest collection this year will consider donating it to us this October. We are happy to collect donations. We are also very happy to come and talk to groups about the work we do.

"We have also moved to using 'bags for life' but we now have to buy these from the supermarkets.

"Sometimes the supermarket may give us some at others times we must buy them and we generally use between 60 to 80 per week. Currently we have collection trolleys in certain Co-op stores and Asda stores."

To contact Porch Boxes, call 0161 761 5908 or visit porchboxes.wordpress.com