LAST year I grew multi-coloured corn. They were so beautiful; each kernel was a different colour - blues, reds - they looked like stained glass windows.

But I will be honest I didn’t eat them. I dried them for Christmas decorations! I did so well I thought I’d actually try again at growing regular sweet corn.

For many years I’ve tried and failed.

My little plot is right next door to the West Pennine Moors. If a cloud floats by, it empties on my plot. If there’s a chance of a freak frost you can bet your last quid it will drift over my courgettes. So sweetcorn has been tricky.

But this year I managed to get a little crop!

I shouldn’t be so excited, this isn’t like I’ve grown the rarest vegetable on the planet; but any grower understands that ‘wow’ moment.

They aren’t perfect, they certainly wouldn’t win a prize in a veg competition, but wow they tasted good. Sweet and nutty, each kernel just jumped into your mouth . . . nothing like the shop-bought ones at all.

Another bit of excitement was growing a Chinese Marrow Squash.

To be honest, I had no idea what to expect, but isn’t it great to grow something which is unknown and new to you?

Now I’m really looking forward to stuffing it with mushrooms, beans and a super thick sauce to soak into the flesh.

When you have meals like that lined up, you don’t mind autumn’s arrival too much.

My allotment to do list:

n Now is the perfect chance to sort out all those strawberry runners trailing around either pin them down into the soil or place them in tiny pots, don’t cut them from the mother plant until they have healthy roots

n Collect your seeds and store them in paper bags or envelopes on a dry day.

n Get ready to plant over wintering garlic, onions and broad beans while the soil is still warm for them to put down roots.

n Dig over your plot as you bring in each harvest, so you don’t have a massive job later on.

If you have an allotment question, email: