A SCHOOLGIRL is celebrating after she received a letter from a Lady-in-Waiting on behalf of the Queen.

Millen Fielding, aged seven, wrote a letter to Her Majesty to let her know how much she loved her.

The Year 2 Bury Grammar School pupil from Rossendale could not believe her eyes when she received a reply from Buckingham Palace two days later.

The letter was signed by Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen, Dame Annabel Whitehead.

It read: "Dear Millen, The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your card, little drawings and kind message of support.

"Her Majesty was pleased to hear from you and, although unable to reply to you personally, The Queen greatly appreciated your kind thought for her.

"I enclose some information leaflets which I hope you will enjoy, and thank you very much once again for writing a you did.

"Yours Sincerely, Annabel Whitehead."