A volcano in the Canary Islands could spark an eruption which could cause a deadly Mega-tsunami to crash towards Britain.

The warning has been issued by University of Bristol professor Stephen Sparks, who has told The Express the Cumbre Vieja volcano near Tenerife could erupt.

And if it does a 250ft wave could strike Britain.

Prof Sparks, a volcanologist, reckons Florida and the Caribbean would suffer the greatest destruction but Britain could also be affected.

He said: “When you have volcanic islands sticking out of the sea, they’re very unstable. And, in some cases, you can get gigantic landslides when part of the island essentially collapses into the sea.

“And you can get tsunamis from that and they’re quite significant.

"In neighbouring islands they could be enormous.

“It’s quite difficult to know how dramatic these tsunamis would be around the Atlantic Ocean - on the east coast of the USA or Europe.

"I mean they could be quite significant."

Britain's southern coastal cities and towns are most at risk.