VOTERS of Bury will be justified in wondering whether Parliament’s failure to deliver Brexit is down to conspiracy or just bungling incompetence. Perhaps it’s a bit of both!

After all, it was LibDem, Labour, Conservative and Green MPs who in gay abandon voted to have a referendum on Brexit in 2016, even though a Press Association survey of the time revealed that 480 out of the 650 MPs were pro-EU.

So why did they give us a choice? Perhaps they thought we would do as we were told by big business and the political establishment, just as we had done in 1975.

If they had supposed for one second that we would vote to leave the EU, they wouldn’t have given us a say, let alone promise to carry out whatever we decided.

So perhaps the past three years of dithering, defeats, grandstanding and botched proposals, accompanied by non-stop EU flag waving and 24-hour bad news courtesy of Project Fear Mark 2 are all part of a cunning plan orchestrated by the powers that be to convince the public that leaving the EU is too difficult, that our quest for independence is just not worth the bother and that Brexit is a failure even though we haven’t actually experienced being outside the EU yet.

The only way to settle the nationwide argument about Brexit is to suck it and see.

The nation has experienced 46 years of EU membership and decided in 2016 to try something new. What of it? Nothing lasts forever. And there’s no point in another referendum until we have experienced life outside the EU for a few years to see if Brexit works.

If it doesn’t, then we can decide to apply to re-join the EU but we need to experience a “clean break” Brexit first before we can make another judgement.

Trying Brexit is logical, it’s democratic and it’s the British way of doing things; we vote, we experience the consequences of how we voted and then we vote again in the light of our experience.

It is imperative that this simple, but precious process is protected against the machinations of Brussels, the political establishment and big business by ensuring that that the will of the people’s vote of 2016 prevails, whether it be for good or ill.

David Green

Liberal Brexiteers