MY beloved dog Cooper and I have just embarked on our new voluntary job with a local primary school once a week.

He’s a registered PAT dog (Pets As Therapy) and it is our mission to help younger children who have challenges in learning and social skills.

It’s also an opportunity for the children to get outside and learn how to play which is so important for their learning and development.

Our last visit was on ‘Green’ day where all the pupils spent the morning outside doing various activities, including indulging Cooper in his favourite game of ‘fetch’.

One hundred throws of the ball later and the boy was exhausted, but children and dog alike were all very happy.

The challenge today is that children and teens are sitting around a lot more than they used to.

They spend hours every day in front of a screen (TVs, smartphones, tablets, and other devices) looking at a variety of media (TV shows, videos, movies, games).

Too much screen time and not enough physical activity add to the problem of childhood obesity.

Regular exercise for young people has many other great benefits including building stronger muscles and bones, improving sleep, creating a more positive outlook on life and being better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.

It doesn't always have to be about competitive sports games.

For children simply being more active and having fun is a great start. Spending more of the day moving the body, learning new motor skills and also how to interact with others is just as essential.

Why not join in with your children and make it a family affair? They will thank you for it in their later years.