ARMED with placards, posters, social media and selfies youngsters from Bury put a modern twist on a historical women's rights event.

The young people joined together with others from across all 10 Greater Manchester boroughs for the first time to recreate the Women's Bazaar of 1912, at Manchester Central Library.

History was brought to life at the event which mirrored how it would have looked and felt to be part of the protest meeting more than 100 years ago.

Throughout the day there were art displays of posters, placards and marketing material, alongside dance and poetry performances and a debate on education.

The youngsters from Bury also created a jigsaw piece to represent the borough, which was then fitted together with nine other pieces, symbolising change through unity.

Frances Nutt, artistic director at Tandem Theatre, who ran the event, said: “The young people who have taken part in this project have been amazing.

"A lot of them have never left their own boroughs before this event or engaged with the arts and history.

"So, for them to get to this point and understand why it is important to stand up for themselves and engage in campaigns that they believe in is an outstanding achievement."

Organised as part of the Game Changers project, the event sought to explore the less well known suffragist movement ­— helping youngsters learn about their peaceful campaign methods ­— unlike the militant and more famous suffragettes.

Ms Nutt said: "“We wanted this project to highlight the lesser known suffragists, who used law abiding methods to campaign, to be an inspiration to these young people today.

"We are really proud of them all – and are looking forward to seeing more of their campaigns in the future. A big thank you goes to everyone involved for all their support.”