THERE will be more consultation on the current Spatial Framework plans into the New Year and a revised plan published next summer, it has been announced.

Leaders announced a timetable for public engagement into the 2020 with formal consultation later in the year.

The masterplan lays the foundations for housing in Greater Manchester and after redrafts, leaders say that comments made by the public show that concerns exist around the plans. Authorities say they intend to take time to examine feedback and implement any proposed changes in a revised third draft.

Paul Dennett, GMCA lead on Housing, Homelessness and Infrastructure, said: “We received 27,000 responses to the first draft and fewer than 18,000 this time but it remains important that we consider all feedback properly and factor it into the next redraft.

"When the revised proposals are presented for a further round of consultation next summer they will better represent what we all want.”