Radcliffe Band had a cold start to 2012, playing at the Hit The North cycle race in Phillips park on the 4th February. Sub-zero temperatures and snow didn't hinder the cyclists or the band, who played a selection of rousing tunes to competitors and spectators at what proved to be a very popular event.

Radcliffe's learners group, on Monday at 7pm before rehearsal, continues to grow in numbers with learners from all age ranges learning the ropes before entry to the main band. If you or someone you know is interested in learning to play a brass instrument (provided on loan) see our website for further details – www.radcliffebrassband.com.

Preparations have also begun for the band's centenary year in 2013. Planning for a special showcase concert is well underway and the band manager is asking former players or local people to get in touch with their memories and photographs of the band – visit our website.

Radcliffe band rehearse on Monday Evenings at St Mary's Catholic Church, Belgrave Street from 8pm to 10pm. New players are always welcome. More details on the band, its players, history and future engagements are available at www.radcliffebrassband.com.