A mum of two praised staff at Royal Bolton Hospital for caring for her premature baby in the NICU - newborn intensive care unit- and supporting her while the baby remains in intensive care.

Jaye Haynes from Bury gave birth to Halle Elizabeth Jean Haynes 25 weeks and four days early on April 9 at Royal Bolton Hospital, weighing a tiny 839 grams.

Baby Halle is currently still in the NICU due to her size as she has not yet fully developed and needs around the clock care from nurses.

 Jaye was not able to see Halle for the first five days after her birth, as mum had contracted Covid.

She said: “What happened was something you can never be prepared for because they said my cervix was dilating and my baby was coming.

“I can’t begin to explain the rush of emotions I felt, surely, she’s wrong, surely this can’t happen to me it’s too soon.

“But it was, three hours later our little Halle arrived and as quick as she arrived, she was rushed away by a team of angels who stabilised her and took her to the NICU world.

“A world that you will never understand unless you’ve experienced it.”

The mum of Halle and of nine-year-old Katie says the support has been incredible from the team at the hospital.

The nurses encourage the mums to breastfeed and have skin to skin contact as well as teaching how to change and feed babies with the tubes.

She said: “They were amazing with our care, and we want to raise money for the parent support.

“Nothing can prepare you for seeing your baby in intensive care and when it happens, you’re in shock.

“I couldn’t see her for five days after I got Covid, so I had to see her on videocalls every day, which I had to schedule with the nurses.

“It’s just a rush of emotions and I felt sad she was on her own and it was awful, it’s difficult to put it into words.”

Halle’s dad, Roy Haynes will be running the Manchester 10k with two friends Kel Hall and Johnny Howley on May 22 to raise money for the unit.

Jaye said: “I will never forget the first time I could see Halle, I broke down. I can’t explain what it feels like to see your baby fighting so hard in an incubator.

“That feeling of helplessness, you’ve no idea what the bleeping is for, what the screens mean.”

Donate here to the Go Fund Me page.