A DANCE group could be forced to close down because funding has dried up.

Bury Youth Dance Company was established in 2006 following a successful bid for National Lottery funding by dance teacher Faye Rettie and Broad Oak High School.

Since then, youngsters aged 13-16 years have performed at two showcases held at the Lowry Theatre in Salford and have taken part in Holocaust memorial services in Bury.

Classes focus heavily on performance as well as on teaching pupils different dance techniques.

But the group, which rehearses at the Met, in Market Street, on Tuesday evenings has now used all its Lottery cash and is struggling to find new sources of funding.

Teacher Faye Rettie said: "As the only dance company of this kind within Bury it is a shame that it will have to stop running. We have provided invaluable experience for young people that are studying a GCSE or BTEC in dance and have given many young people the chance to perform and benefit from that element of dance."

She added: "The silly thing is that if we were a new group just starting out we would probably get funding very easily. All the funding awards seem geared towards setting up new projects rather than maintaining projects that are already here. Many of our youngsters may not be able to afford to come if we have to start charging them more."

Anyone able to offer advice can call Faye on 07970 658 227.