A  Bury charity group has been gifted a tree from the late Queen.  

Age UK Bury has received a ‘Tree of Trees’ for their work in supporting older people in the borough.  

Greater Manchester received 12 trees and Age UK Bury was nominated to receive a young Rowan tree.

It now sits next to the Jubilee Centre, opposite Clarence Park Lido.  

Andy Hazeldine, Chief Officer of Age UK Bury, said: “We are grateful to receive a special 'Tree of Trees' which will serve as a lasting tribute to Her Majesty's outstanding service to her country and people. 

“It is an honour that our charity has been chosen to receive a tree and it is a testament to the commitment and dedication of our staff and volunteers who support older people in Bury”. 

To mark the late Queen Elizabeth II’s  Platinum Jubilee, a sculpture called the “Tree of Trees' was erected outside Buckingham Palace.  

The 70-foot-high sculpture consisted of 80 steel “branches” holding 350 trees in aluminium pots, bearing the Queen's cypher. 

Once the Jubilee Celebrations ended, it was announced that 350 trees would be gifted to organisations and community groups across the United Kingdom.  

On behalf of the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, Karan Lee, Deputy Lieutenant, presented the Tree.