When we talk about hormone imbalance, most people generally assume that it’s for the ladies, so blokes tender switch off and stop listening. However, this is a problem that affects both genders, and men can suffer from health issues that are caused by hormone deficiencies or imbalances as they get older.

The prime candidate here is testosterone deficiency, and it can cause some pretty nasty symptoms, so it’s worth understanding.

1. Erectile dysfunction

Mention erectile dysfunction, and everyone will suddenly look at the floor, cough nervously and shove their hands in their pockets. However, it is a real issue, and the best way to deal with it is to face it head-on. Understandably erectile dysfunction is very distressing and leads to a man being unable to sustain or maintain direction in order to have sexual intercourse. There are lots of different reasons for this to happen, some physical and some psychological, but hormone imbalances can also cause it.

So, rather than feeling embarrassed or distressed if this happens to you, it’s better to get it checked out. Testosterone levels generally drop in healthy males from the age of 30. So, if you are experiencing erectile dysfunction before reaching this age, it might not be the cause.

However, there are other hormones involved, including the thyroid and adrenaline, so it’s certainly worth having your hormone levels checked and speaking to a professional about erectile dysfunction.

2. Libido issues

For both men and women, libido fluctuates throughout their adult life. However, again, if you experience low libido at a time of life when you do not want to be sexually inactive, it can be very frustrating and stressful for relationships. In many cases, it’s just stress or being tired, but sometimes a hormone imbalance could be behind the problems.

As testosterone levels drop off, sexual desire decreases. As already mentioned, testosterone levels do slowly and naturally decrease from the age of 30 upwards, and also if you gain weight, take certain medications, or have some serious illnesses.

It is not the same issue as erectile dysfunction; it is more of a lack of interest in having sex. Testosterone replacement therapy could be a potential solution for someone suffering from libido issues, and this is where artificial hormones are added to the body to build up the supply that has naturally decreased.

3. Brain fog, mood swings and ‘TATT’

TATT is a medical acronym that stands for tired all the time. Sometimes people go to the doctors, and this is the only symptom they can really describe. However, if you are also experiencing brain fog, this is an inability to think as quickly and sharply as you used to be able to or to recall information that should easily come to mind, and you have mood swings that your family and friends have noticed hormones could be to blame.

Over the course of 24 hours, all hormone levels fluctuate, but if they are on the low side and never really get going, you could find yourself feeling depressed and very tired. Unsurprisingly, for men, it’s the testosterone levels that are potentially to blame.

Conversely, if you find that you are always angry, easily irritated, and prone to aggressiveness when you used to be quite passive, your testosterone levels could be too high. If you experienced any of these symptoms, it’s certainly worth getting medical advice and having your hormone levels checked.

4. Middle age spread, muscle loss and bone density

Unless you happen to break a bone without heavily falling and hurting yourself, you probably wouldn’t have any idea whether your bone density was good or bad. Again, osteoporosis or brittle bones is a condition that primarily affects ageing women, and men don’t tend to think about it.

However, hormone imbalances can actually decrease your bone density. They can also be the gremlin behind the middle-age spread, and you’re seeming inability to bulk up and gain muscle. Men can suffer from osteoporosis, and once more, testosterone dropping off is one of the reasons why this might happen. It’s possible that if you know your diet is not very good, you’re snacking a lot, and generally not exercising, that is most likely the cause of your weight gain, not your hormone levels.

But if you have a good diet and exercise regime and are still struggling, getting your hormone levels checked is certainly a good idea.

5. Skin problems and hair loss

Finally, if you’ve been experiencing any issues with dry, flaky skin or feel your hair is thinning more than is appropriate for your age, you may have a hormone imbalance. There is a natural fluctuation of hormones throughout life, but they can also be affected by many different factors, including your diet, stress levels and, of course, the ageing process. If hormones are out of balance, there are lots of issues that can come to the surface. Unfortunately, dry skin and losing hair are just two.

You can try creams and shampoos to sort the problem, but if you’re having a little effect, it might be better to go with a full hormone check and potentially investigate hormone replacement therapy if any of your levels are too low.

The bottom Line

Hormone imbalance affects both men and women, and the treatment is similar for both genders. Men can have hormone replacement therapy, including testosterone replacement therapy, and that should help with some of the issues mentioned above.

You can also make changes to your lifestyle and diet, and although this might not be enough alone to correct any hormonal imbalances, it certainly helps to improve your overall health and gives your body a chance to right the balance for itself.

There are also lots of vitamins and supplements that can help with hormone imbalance and also issues that might cause problems like not being able to sleep or being extremely anxious. The bottom line is that hormone imbalances happen to everyone at some point in their life, but there are plenty of treatment options available if the symptoms become a problem.