AN ANGRY resident faces a large repair bill after vandals damaged her garden fence — two nights in a row.

Janet Brundrett, of Wordsworth Avenue, Radcliffe, found her fence had been kicked down on both Monday and Tuesday last week.

She believes that the same group of youths attacked the fence at around 8.50pm on both nights.

The damage in the second incident was so bad that she will have to completely replace the fence.

Ms Brundrett said: “I am very angry that they kicked down my fence. I’m not happy about paying for a new fence, especially with Christmas approaching. Even if I do replace it, I’m worried that they will just kick it down again.”

She reported the incidents to the police, but no-one has been arrested.

Inspector Bryn Williams, from Radcliffe police station, told the Radcliffe Times that he would arrange for police community support officers to visit Ms Brundrett and pay extra attention to the area.