A BURY solicitor is spearheading a national campaign to ban a hair dye chemical which he claims can cause an allergic reaction.

MPs David Nuttall and Ivan Lewis are among a number of Parliamentarians who are supporting 29-year-old Greg Almond, pictured.

His campaign was given a higher profile when it came to light that a Yorkshire mother-of-two had been left with serious brain damage after suffering an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Mr Almond is highlight ing the particular dangers of a chemical named PPD (para-phenylenediamine) which he says PPD used to be banned by a number of European countries.

He claimed: “There is little in the way of evidence to show that the chemical PPD is safe. I want to make people aware of the potential and deadly dangers of using hair dye — and in particular this chemical component PPD. The chemical can be found in many products, not just hair dye. We need to raise awareness regarding a risk that many consumers may be completely unaware of. The chemical had also been found in henna tattoos, printing inks, fur dyes and other cosmetics. I am calling on the Government to conduct an urgent review in to the sale of products containing PPD.”

He has started an e-petition which has gathered hundreds of signatures in support of the ban.

Mr Almond has also submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request asking for data on what investigations and testing.

Two Parliamentary questions have been tabled on the issue and heard in the House of Commons.

Commenting on a case he worked on where the client had suffered a reaction from PPD, Mr Almond said: “Without emergency treatment the effects could have been devastating.”

Visit http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/18664