
  • Christmas fair in November

    CHRIST Church Ainsworth Primary School will hold its Christmas fair from 11am to 2pm on Saturday, November 29.

  • New ladders for old safety scheme

    DON’T fall off your ladder — get a discounted new one instead! Health and safety chiefs are running a ‘ladder exchange’ scheme this week as part of the HSE’s Shattered Lives campaign. From Monday to Friday, people can part-exchange their broken or battered

  • Teachers may take industrial action

    TEACHERS could take industrial action in a protest over below-inflation pay offers. Ballot forms have gone out this week to the 250,000 members of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), which warns of potential strike action. The NUT says teachers have

  • Lottery cash for two new libraries

    WORK will start this month to offer a range of new services at community libraries in Bury and Radcliffe. The Big Lottery Fund has awarded £1.4 million to Bury Council, which will be used to set up two new libraries in Radcliffe, based in the Coronation

  • War zone hit by post rule

    MEMBERS of the public have been banned from sending Christmas parcels to war zones unless they are addressed to a named soldier, sailor or airman Army chiefs say the volume of post can cause delays for those sending mail and parcels to their loved

  • AGM date for deaf society

    THE annual general meeting for the Bury Society for Deaf and Hearing Impaired People will be held on Thursday, October 16. It will be staged at the group’s headquarters at 8 Tenterden Street, and cheese and wine will be available. Members of the public

  • New name for cancer centre

    CHRISTIE Hospital has undergone an official name change after a public consultation to which 4,000 people responded. The cancer centre, based in Withington, Manchester, will now be known as The Christie.

  • Autumn glory for gardeners

    THE EDENFIELD and District Horticultural Society held a successful autumn show last month. In contrast to the recent wet weather, the sun was shining and visitors flocked to see the impressive cakes, crafts and flowers on show at St Philip’s Church Hall

  • Guides need adults to help

    THE 12th Radcliffe Guides, based in Ainsworth, are looking for adults who can spare a couple of hours a week to help run the unit. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Sarah Burden on 01204 571648 or 07740 189846.

  • 20mph limit for Bury town centre drivers

    BURY town centre is to become a 20mph zone in a bid to reduce accidents and promote road safety. The zone will affect drivers entering the centre from Angouleme Way and Bolton Street, and cover streets including Bolton Street, Silver Street, Haymarket

  • Open Evening Report by school reporter

    Reported by Kamo Kupi On 17th September 2008, a Wednesday evening, most schools across the country were closed until the following morning; Castlebrook High School was not one of those schools. It was that time of year again when the lights in

  • Tears of joy for Channel triumph

    A BRAVE teenager has completed one of the toughest challenges in the swimming world — crossing the English channel. Heather Sellars, a pupil at Bury Grammar School, tackled jellyfish, shipping lanes and freezing waters to complete the 21-mile swim in

  • Wheelchair basketball

    BURY College hosted a wheelchair basketball game to mark the end of the Paralympic games in Beijing. A group of 40 students, many of whom had never used a wheelchair before, learned new skills including dribbling the ball and shooting. They also took

  • ‘It’s never too late to fulfil your dreams’

    A RETIRED teacher who swapped teaching lessons for learning lines is preparing for his 28th stage production. Frank Lynch, aged 71, took up acting in 1991 and has been involved with amateur dramatics ever since. He has been appeared

  • Elizabeth is honoured in the country of her birth

    A WOMAN who left Barbados more than 50 years ago to become of one of Manchester’s first-ever Caribbean nurses has been honoured by the country of her birth. Elizabeth Higgins-Grant, who is well-known throughout the Afro Caribbean community

  • Campaign is a 'girl thing'

    A NEW campaign It’s a girl thing has been launched to raise awareness and vital funds for breast cancer. Cancer Research UK is asking Bury women from all walks of life to organise events to promote the initiative. Rates of breast cancer have risen by