THROUGHOUT history there have been people whose names are linked together, as if to appear almost inseparable.

Anthony and Cleopatra and Laurel and Hardy are examples.

In the present day we have Couns Byrne and Connolly who either write to support each other or in tandem with amazing regularity. In the Bury Times last week they attack Couns Redstone and Bibby.

Why should the Conservatives put forward their own budget proposals at this stage? Did the Labour Party under Neil Kinnock not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing the same thing? If Coun Redstone did indeed say that he did not understand council budgeting (and he must be allowed recourse to have either been misquoted or had his comment taken our of context) then I would think this would be something to be proud of, rather than be derided.

It is a change to hear a politician admitting fallabilities, but, of course, this arrogant council would know nothing of humility.

Meanwhile, David Chaytor's ridiculous suggestion that the people of Bury MBC should attempt to raise sufficient cash to buy back their own painting from their own council in order to present it back to them so they can repeat the procedure in subsequent years is laughable. Yet Ian Hargreaves in his letter last week obviously does not see the joke and asks Coun Bibby to contribute. Why should he?

David Chaytor appears to be in a far better position than most to contribute.

In answer to Mr Hargreaves, I would say that if he considers Mr Chaytor's idea to be such a good one, he should put his money where his mouth is'...