COUNCILLOR John Byrne expresses some points of view which are both understandable and acceptable to many, but he also makes statements which, in my opinion, reveal a kind of leadership arrogance'.

His reference to some sad people' who turn up to area board meetings must be challenged.

Who does he have in mind? There are citizens in every community who observe and express concerns. For weeks, months and in some cases years, they have appealed to various authorities for decision and action, only to find themselves shunted into the sideline of bureaucracy!

In some cases the issue concerned is obviously of no particular or political interest or too trivial for either local or central government or council leaders, who seem to spend their time jumping between the two.

No, the sad people' are in reality frustrated people' who, having explored every avenue of positive action, have come to the area board as a last resort.

Changing from area board to local partnership boards might change the goalpost but it won't deal with many of the heartaches in community life.

I hope this will be taken into account in December when the proposals are debated in council.