A TOP performing secondary school has unveiled plans to join a leading academy trust which governs outstanding schools.

Bury Church of England High School has launched a consultation to become an academy school - and join the Bolton-based The Bishop Fraser Trust, under plans it says will "create new opportunities" for staff and pupils.

The faith based trust currently oversees Canon Slade School, which is attended by pupils in Bury, St James' High School and Bolton St Catherine's Academy.

Following the outcome of the consultation, which will take place after Easter, the school, one of the highest performing schools in Bury, could join the trust in the new academic year.

School leaders say the school will continue to keep ties with the Bury family if the plans go ahead.

Lawrence Yarwood, chairman of governors, said: "In a time of considerable changes in education and the challenges brought about by Covid -19, together with associated social challenges, the value and strength of active partnership with schools of a similar ethos and background is important and will be in the future. We are looking to create new opportunities for all our staff and pupils."

The school says becoming an academy, like many other schools have done, allows access to funding, which has improved and enhanced the buildings of schools currently governed by the trust

Simon Braithwaite, headteacher, said "We feel it is the right time to join such a strong multi-academy trust so that we can share and learn from best practice, have access to outstanding support systems, professional development for staff and use joint procurement enabling us get greater value for money and invest more in to teaching and learning. Strong collaborative partnerships enable schools to make sure all children have access to outstanding education including access to higher education.

"The Bishop Fraser Trust share the same Christian values that we have at our school, and this has been a key factor in making the decision to further our possible relationship with them.”

Tania Lewyckyj, Chief Executive of the trust, said: "As a Church of England Trust, our vision and values are entwined and we feel that the addition of this school will add to our Trust’s capacity to deliver on our mission to provide all of our children with an educational experience that is high quality, based on academic, spiritual and social development. Our commitment to ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) is paramount and never more has that resonated with what we have all encountered through the pandemic."