RESIDENTS are being urged to check their locks and keep their car keys out of sight amid a spate of burgalries in Bury.

Officers say criminals around the borough have swiped car keys and stolen vehicles in several incidents over the past few weeks.

Homeowners have been warned to check that the locks on their doors are up to the latest standards and not likely to be taken by thieves.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson for Bury South said: "We are currently experiencing burglaries throughout the Bury area, some involve car keys and vehicles being stolen.

"In some instances the thieves are targeting door locks. We take the security of our door locks for granted, but local criminals can attack some door locks very easily without much skill, and in no time at all. It only takes them seconds.

"Check what locks you have fitted to your doors and unless they have a three star kite mark on them, then you need to think about changing them.

"Keep your car keys out of sight – don’t leave them where they can be seen through door glass and windows."

Residents with cars are being urged to invest in steering wheel locks, and use garages if they have one.