A popular tortoise, terrapin and turtle weigh-in event took place last Saturday after a two-year break amid the pandemic.

The free event was held at the Wilkinson’s Store at The Rock, in which owners were offered advice and physical examinations of the animals were carried out.

The event has always been popular, and this year was no different as many people queued up to discuss their queries with John Thorpe and the vet that were hosting.

When John spoke about past events, he said: “People might not have access to the information otherwise, so it is genuinely saving lives. It can literally be anything from friendly advice to lifesaving.”

John spoke about a case where a woman brought in her pet tortoise.

As soon as John saw the tortoise, he immediately knew it was very unwell.

He described the tortoise looking like a children’s toy as its legs and head were hanging and it was extremely weak.

John placed the tortoise in a washing up bowl and then put some water in the bottom of it, he said the tortoise drank for 20 minutes straight as it was so dehydrated.

He found out that the tortoise actually survived for many years later.

John commented saying: “I do just want to stress that I’m not a vet and I’m not pretending to be, I just have a lot of personal experience and I’ve known a lot of vets that I’ve picked up information from.

“It’s like a combination of personal experience and the fact that we have the vet instore with us at these events. If there is anything I’m not too familiar with, he can pick up on that.”