Bury College students have received their A-levels and vocational course results today, Thursday, after a challenging two years.

The college said it is incredibly proud of all its students who have continued to adapt and progress, both academically and personally through tough times.

This year was the first year since 2019 in which the summer exams took place amid the pandemic.

Ryan Hutchings, 18, achieved an A* in maths and three As in physics, chemistry and further maths.

He is set to study at Imperial College London to study material science.

Ryan said: “It’s been challenging with Covid and a lot of online learning but when we got back the teachers were very supportive and gave us enough work to make up for the time we lost.

"Overall, it’s been a good experience.”

Bury Times:

In terms of sitting exams for the first time, he said: “It was daunting, we’d done them in class before but it’s much different to the real thing.

"When it came to it, it was alright though.”

Alex Crawford achieved two A*s in maths and chemistry and an A in biology.

He will be going to The University of Manchester to study chemical engineering.

The 19-year-old added: “I was really supported during my time at Bury College, the staff and students made it an enjoyable place to learn."

Bury Times:

First year performing arts student Freya Williams, 17, spoke about the challenges she faced during her first year as she suffers from long Covid.

She said: “I got Covid back in October 2020 and then got long Covid in the November. I missed four months of Year 11 and had to do my GCSEs at home.

“But I had a lot of rest and managed to do all my GCSEs and managed to come back and do first year of college.

“I think I’ve done pretty well because I was asked to join in the second year show final performance.”

Speaking about her symptoms, she added: “I ended in hospital with heart problems, I had really bad palpitations, I’d walk upstairs, and my heart rate would go up to 155bpm.

“I got insomnia and chronic fatigue and cognitive issues as well and that caused problems when trying to do work.

“The college have helped me a lot.

"My teachers in performing arts have sat down and gone through the work with me and made sure I know what I’m doing and the physical side like acting and dancing they’ve made sure I can sit down when I need to and do whatever I need to do to make sure I’m healthy during the course.”

Katelyn Palmer, 18, achieved two A*s in sociology and business and a distinction in applied law.

She will be heading to Manchester Metropolitan University to study law.

She said: "It’s an amazing feeling to receive my results today. I have really enjoyed my time at college, I received lots of support to achieve my grades.

“They were really helpful during our university applications, and I got all the support I needed.”

Bury Times:

Ellie Ashton, 18, achieved three Bs in English literature, sociology and history.

The University of Sheffield will be the next stop for Ellie to study English language and literature.

She said: “The teachers and tutors have been really supportive and checked in with us constantly.

“They helped us with personal statements and university applications which was really helpful.”

Bury College principal and chief executive, Charlie Deane, said: “Covid-19 has meant that the education of students has been disrupted and learners have been at a huge disadvantage.

“For many students, these are the first exams they have taken. To achieve results that, in many cases outstrip pre-covid outcomes, is testament to the resilience and commitment demonstrated by students and staff.

“Our learners and indeed our colleagues, are a credit to the college, themselves, their families and the wider Bury community.

“On behalf of the Bury College Corporation and all our staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish our students every success in the future.”