A group of volunteers walked on burning ash to raise money for Spring Hill Hospice in Rochdale. They were surrounded by family members and friends who came to spectate.

Victoria Murray said,"see you on the other side," as it was her turn to walk down the path of scorching, red-glowing ash. The temperature was 1100 degrees. 

The Mayor of Rochdale, Councillor Ali Ahmed, said before he started he was stressed but a motivational speaker told them to have a positive mind-set and repeat the name of something they love over and over, this helped keep them distracted from the heat underneath their feet. The Mayor said, "His feet didn't hurt as much as he thought they would. They were just charred and tingled a bit." In the end everyone really enjoyed the experience and the chance to raise money. Overall the team raised £7700 on their first fire walk. This was a huge success.