Tributes have been paid to a "Bury FC stalwart", who was a former fans group chairman, following his death.

Dave Giffard served as chairman of the Bury Football Club Supporter’s Society, formerly known as Forever Bury, for 21 years and had been living with motor neurone disease (MND) after being diagnosed in January this year.

He has died aged 71.

Mr Giffard ended his tenue in the role at the society’s annual general meeting in July due to ill heath but played a key role in fighting to save Bury FC after it was expelled from the English Football League in 2019. 

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Since 2005, he had also been the organiser of the annual Forever Bury Beer Festival which, over the years, raised more than £100,000 for charity.

In a statement, Bury FC Supporters Society said: “The Bury Football Club Supporters Society is deeply saddened to hear of the death of former chairman Dave Giffard.

“Earlier this year, Dave was diagnosed with MND.

“He was a Bury FC stalwart - giving over 21 years of service to his club and was always seen as part of the furniture at Gigg Lane.

“Dave was a true warrior who battled this awful illness right until the very end.

“He was courageous and committed and could light up a room with laughter with his stories and many memories from over the years.

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“Our thoughts are with Dave's wife Eve, his daughter Katie, and all his family and friends.

“Details of the funeral will be announced in due course.

“We'll forever be thankful for everything. RIP Dave.

“The MND Association needs more funding to finance research into the indiscriminate terminal condition."

The society also invited people to make donations to the MND Association to help fund its work.