A "lovely" man died after suffering with his mental health, an inquest has heard.

Michael Tracey, 30, was found dead at his mother's home on Otter Drive in Unsworth in August last year.

An inquest into his death at Rochdale Coroner’s Court heard that he suffered from depression, had borderline personality disorder and felt suicidal most days.

Michael was on medication to help with his mental health but would often take too much. 

He also had alcohol and took drugs such as cannabis and cocaine, the court was told.

Michael’s mother Julie Tracey said that Michael suffered a suspected overdose aged 14 and was taken to hospital but was released after a few hours.

This was when he first started to suffer from mental health problems and was put in touch with a crisis support team, which he engaged well with.

After Michael left Wigan and Leigh College, he worked at McDonald's which he enjoyed and was good at it, however he left after few months and remained unemployed.

He was described as a bubbly person but struggled with his mental health, didn’t socialise with friends much and his borderline personality disorder meant that he would worry about the slightest of things.

Julie said: “Michael was a lovely person, and despite his problems, everyone who knew him loved him, however his mood could change fast.

“He enjoyed going on holiday with his family, even though he didn’t get excited much in life.”

The court heard how on August 17, 2022, Michael went to his brother Stephen’s house for codeine tablets in the early hours of the morning.

He let himself into Stephen’s house who confronted him and was angry before Michael left.

Michael returned to Stephen’s house the following day to apologise but no-one was in so he went home and at around 7.30pm and told his mother he was having an early night and was going to bed.

The next morning, on August 19, Julie went to check on Michael, however his door wouldn’t open so she asked Stephen to help open it where they found him behind the door unresponsive.

Greater Manchester Police coronial manager John Mulvihill told the court Michael’s death was confirmed on August 19 by paramedics. He had died as a result of hanging.

He said officers found an empty vodka bottle and energy drink can and cigarette ends on Michael’s bedroom floor and a diary in a drawer, which had a number of entries about drink, substance abuse and feeling low.

But there was nothing mentioned about suicide.

Police concluded that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounded Michael’s death.

Michael’s background showed that he often made threats to hang himself despite his family trying to help him to get support to prevent him from doing it.

Emma Truebody, a senior nurse practitioner, said that Michael had been arrested on August 6 after assaulting Julie following him drinking and taking an overdose of his medication.

Miss Truebody was on duty that day and said how the mental health liaison team received a referral for Michael and that he still required an observation period.

Police said the overdose happened after having an argument with Julie, which was linked to his borderline personality disorder.

A&E notes said the incident was not an attempt to take his life, it was believed to be a reaction to the argument and they made the decision that Michael should go to a police station to be charged or interviewed.

The court heard that Fairfield General Hospital has now changed its way of dealing with mental health patients after he managed to stab himself a number of times with a doctors pen as he was afraid to be put in a police cell.

Mr Mulvihill said that Michael was due to answer police bail on September 1, 2022, which was causing him a great deal of anxiety.

Assistant coroner for Manchester North, Matthew Cox, said: “Michael was on medication for his mental health and had lots of appointments for it but would never see them through.

“Apart from medication prescribed he would take anything he could get his hands on, and he made many attempts to take his own life.

“Michael went to bed on August 18, 2022, and his mother had no concerns, and he hadn’t been drinking.

“However, the next morning she couldn’t gain access to his room.

“Michael intended the consequences of his actions even though no note was left.”

Mr Cox recorded a conclusion of suicide for Michael’s death.

He also offered his condolences to his family.

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