An organisation promoting grassroot sports has opposed plans to build dozens of homes on a former resource centre site in Bury.

Sport England, a non-departmental public body, has opposed plans to demolish the former Seedfield Resource Centre on Parkinson Street and build 86 new residential properties on the site.

The estate would sit near Clarence Park and Burrs Country Park and would include 22 affordable houses with the rest being sold on the open market.

Sport England says the development, proposed by developer Hive Homes, would lead to the partial loss of a playing field used for football as well as a car park and changing facilities on the site.

The organisation states that the proposed development site along with land to the north is included on Sport England’s Active Places Database, and is still in use.

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In a statement, submitted to the council last Friday, the organisation said: “Sport England’s policy is to oppose the granting of planning permission for any development which would lead to the loss of, or would prejudice the use of all/part of a playing field.

“The proposal would result in the loss of a small area of playing field along with the adjacent car park for users of the football pitches.”

Sport England stated that similar concerns were raised about the pre-application proposal and that none of points raised were addressed in the final application.

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According to the Football Foundation, the playing field is used by Seedfield Sports FC, which has around 11 youth teams affiliated to the Lancashire FA.

There have also been 44 objections from residents regarding the proposals, which were made public last month.

As well as a loss of a sporting facility, people aired worries that the extra homes would lead to more traffic problems.

One representation has been made in support of the development, in which it is argued that the land "is going to waste" and that "houses bring money and support businesses".

Council planners will decide on the proposals at a date yet to be confirmed.