Launching their latest pledges, the Tories unveiled a list of things they’ve broken.

After 13 years of being in charge they expect credit for assessing it all needs to change.

Thirteen years of tough luck, mate. Neglect and lies.

Incompetence and punishing cuts to local services from the top of government.

A broken immigration system. Crime and anti-social behaviour an issue on the doorstep.

And the highest tax burden in over 70 years.

Public services are on their knees.

We deserve better than this government’s claims to have reformed.

Joan, 67, a retired pensioner in Elton told me she is appalled at the tax burden falling on her.

The highest tax burden of her lifetime at a time when she expects to have the time to spend her well earned pension.

With the assurance of good public services when she needs them.

‘After years of promises, nothing’s better’ one voter suggested to me this week. Lifelong Tory voters, she and her husband were now going to vote Labour. They’re not alone.

Some ask, when will the government recover the £65bn that lamentable Liz Truss and her local supporters cost the UK?

And what of tax cuts for 99 per cent of the UK rather than the one per cent who benefitted in their latest budget?

We’ve not forgotten. But Labour isn’t complacent.

We know we’re still sealing the deal but talking to many of you, you believe in better too.

This Thursday I will welcome MP Yvette Cooper, Shadow Home Secretary to Bury North.

Yvette will lead Labour’s protection and punishment plans in the next Labour government. Yvette is clear.

Labour will prevent crime with an additional 13,000 neighbourhood police.

We’ll reinstate the community policing model that worked under the last Labour government, paid for by £360m in savings from pooling regional services and purchasing decisions.

We’ll ensure local PCSOs are back on our streets.

And punish anti-social behaviour offenders with tougher sentences.

Labour will take greater action to stop young people being drawn into crime.

We’ll stand up for victims by solving more crimes and preventing more.

Led by the former Chief of Prosecutions, we’ll ensure more prosecutions.

"Clean streets are safe streets", Keir Starmer declared. He was announcing Labour’s plans to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

Keir Starmer's life’s work includes prosecuting rapists, criminals and terrorists.

His North Star is one rooted in justice and a firm but fair assessment of what’s right.

He announced the decision to prosecute MPs following the parliamentary expenses scandal.

And now leads a party founded on the approach- tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

It defines a core belief of the Labour Party and will define our approach in government and make the difference here.

James Frith is the Labour candidate for the next general election. He served as MP for Bury North between 2017 to 2019 and hopes to again. He tweets @JamesFrith and can be contacted via