A "superstar" independent woman who lives in Radcliffe is set to celebrate her 100th birthday.

Daphne Valerie Coldridge, a long-term Bury resident, has her landmark birthday on Wednesday, April 19.

Born in Watford in 1923, Daphne, her late husband Ken and sons Clive and Stephen went on to move up to Radcliffe.

Throughout the Second World War, Daphne made parts for tanks in a factory while her husband served in the navy.

Her grandson Kenny, 40, describes her as a "superstar".

He said: “I’ve got loads of memories with my nan, I used to go away with her when I was younger to Cala Gran Holiday Park (in Fleetwood).

"We used to go as a family and nan would always book another week so I could stay with her on my own.”

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Bury Times: Daphne Valerie Coldridge and her grandson KennyDaphne Valerie Coldridge and her grandson Kenny (Image: Family handout)

Carrying on the legacy of his childhood holidays, Kenny still takes his nan on holiday, along with his partner Bev and son Harry.

Kenny added: “We still go to the same site. I take my son with us so he can have the same memories too.”

The family will be heading back to celebrate Daphne’s 100th birthday.

Kenny and his nan have a special bond.

Bev said: “She means the world to us all but especially Kenny.

"He gets thanked by strangers because of the way he looks at her and looks after her on family holidays.

"He goes to her house every day to help her, he’ll do anything for her.”

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Bury Times: An old picture of Kenny and his grandmother DaphneAn old picture of Kenny and his grandmother Daphne (Image: Family handout)

Despite her age, Daphne still lives independently on her own.

Bev added: “I know lots of people turn 100 but not a lot of people live on their own.

"She has someone go in, in the morning and at tea time, she gets about herself still, walks around her bungalow."

“She even still puts makeup on to go out, she loves her lipstick and blush.

"She has her hairdresser come weekly and she gets dressed and ready every morning without fail.”

When asked about the secret to a long and happy life, Kenny said: “She says the reason that she’s lived so long is because she’s only ever been with one man.”

Daphne’s family are throwing her a surprise 100th birthday party on her birthday at The Sparkling Clog pub in Radcliffe.

Kenny added: “If anyone knows her and would like to wish her a happy 100th birthday come along.

“Thank you for being you nan.”

Daphne also has two other grandsons, Lee and Geoff, as well as five great grandchildren Harry, Mia, Evie, Kai and Kaiden.