One thing is increasingly clear to everyone, the Conservative government has wrecked our economy and we are all now paying the price.

But this is not just the consequence of recent chaotic times, it is the result of thirteen years of failure, incompetence and scandal.

Ask yourself the question, what is better now compared to 13 years ago?

Is it easier to get a GP appointment or into hospital for surgery? Are there more police on the beat or crimes being solved? Do our children get more support and resources in schools?

Are taxes higher or lower? If you ponder these questions, you quickly come to realise that our country has gone backwards under the Conservatives, with few prospects for the future.

Even the latest Prime Minister has failed.

The choices he made at the recent budget betrayed what we all know to be true, the Conservatives will only help those who already have the most.

Their central proposal was a huge pension bonus for the top one per cent, while taxes go up for the rest of us to pay for basic services.

Labour in contrast proposed to freeze council tax for all residents by levying a windfall tax on the big energy companies.

The contrast between the two could not be clearer, and so too is the choice at these upcoming local elections.

Our council has faced the sharp end of Conservative failure for these 13 years, with over £140m having to be cut from budgets.

Those cuts are devastating to services we all rely on.

It is made harder by the growing demand for our services that protect the most vulnerable: social care for children and adults and support for those with learning disabilities and special education needs.

In fact, the cuts now mean around 70 per cent of our budget goes to these types of services. While this is the right priority, and is supported by residents when we consult around priorities, it does leave less and less each year for our universal services.

Despite this ongoing legacy of failure from the Conservatives, Bury Labour is determined to be on your side.

Our choices, restricted as they are by the stark economic incompetence of the Conservatives, are proof of how we are different.

Bury Labour has proposed more support with the cost of living, helping many residents who have not been traditionally eligible for previous rounds of support, including our veterans.

We are investing an extra £10m into road repairs, taking the total to £30m extra we will have spent on pothole repairs and resurfacing.

Plus, we are delivering the biggest programme of regeneration in our towns since the borough was created.

The choice is clear, endorse the 13 years of failure by the Conservatives or vote for Labour who are fighting for our borough and are on your side.