A Bury-based charity that recently helped to save a man’s life has installed more lifesaving equipment in the borough.

The Restart the Heart team has seen the installation of three more defibrillators in Bury with the new sites located on Rippon Hall Avenue, Ramsbottom, Clarence Park, Chesham and Whitehead Park, Elton.

Alongside fundraising to improve the provision of publicly accessible defibrillators, the cause aims to give people the courage, support, training and education to help someone who may be in cardiac arrest.

Andrew Luxton, the chairman of Restart the Heart, said: “We are very proud of the dedication and drive of the charity’s founder Sarah Jones.

Bury Times: Defib in Chesham

“After many months of our fundraising, it is good to see our latest phase of publicly accessible defibrillators being installed at various locations across the borough of Bury.

“We select sites working closely with a fabulous team at North West Ambulance Service.

“We would like to continue expressing our thanks to everyone who facilitates the installation locations, commit time, effort and make donations, they are all very much appreciated.”

In May, one of the charity's defibrillators was used to save a man’s life, something the group say they are “deeply gratified” for and have since been updated that the man is recovering well.

Following the incident, founder, Sarah Jones, has thanked those who took “positive action to step up to the situation they were faced with” and made a huge difference to the man, his family and everyone he knows.

Bury Times: Defib at Rippon Hall Avenue, Ramsbottom

The charity met Bury West Councillors Dene Vernon, Jackie Harris and chairman of Bury Croquet Club, Roy Spencer, met at the club in Whitehead Park last weekend to show them the defibrillator they helped fundraise for.

Cllr Dene Vernon said: "I am pleased to have contributed to the installation of this important piece of life-saving equipment.

“This is the third defibrillator we have helped install in our area.

“Restart the Heart is a fantastic charity and I want to thank them for their work and the Croquet club for agreeing to host the defibrillator on behalf of the local community."

Mr Spencer said: “The croquet club is very pleased to have the defibrillator on the clubhouse wall in Whitehead Park and available for use by the public, along with the bleed unit, in the event of an emergency, we thank Restart the Heart charity & local councillors for making it possible.”.

The charity will be holding a family fun day at Whitehead Park on Sunday, August 6, after the initial plans had to be postponed due to adverse weather conditions.