A prominent building in the centre of Ramsbottom is set to be converted into seven flats.

The property on Bolton Road is currently occupied by Isherwoods Fine Furniture.

The business is having a closing down sale and according to planning documents published by Bury Council "will be vacating the premises imminently".

Applicant Firsmount Ltd is seeking planning permission to change the use of the upper floors from commercial to seven residential units and part of the ground floor to create a residential entrance.

Bolton Road is within Ramsbottom’s conservation area.

The heritage zone is centred on the Market Place and reaches out along Bolton and Bridge Streets, primarily focused on the 19th Century commercial, retail and civic development of the town.

The conservation area exemplifies the stone architecture which dominates the Irwell valley area to the north of Bury and includes a significant number of listed buildings.

A planning statement, submitted by Firsmount, said: “The premises have been occupied by a furniture shop with ancillary storage, office and back of house provided on the upper floors.

"The furniture shop has been closing down since early 2023 and will be vacating the premises imminently.

“The upper floors are already vacant and there is a final ‘close down’ sale happening on the ground floor.

"The limited degree of change proposed, and the detail and location of these proposals, will ensure that the development will safeguard important features which contribute to the character and appearance of the conservation area.

“On this basis, the proposed external works are considered to have a neutral effect on the character, appearance, and the ability to understand the historic significance of the Ramsbottom Conservation Area and would not be materially harmful to this designated heritage asset.

"The proposed development will improve the overall appearance of the buildings and will enhance the environmental quality and streetscape of the town centre.”

Planners at Bury Council will now deliberate on the potential change of use for the building.