Young care leavers living at a planned new care home in a residential area are set to be subject to a strict night time curfew.

Proposals have been lodged to convert a property currently used as six flats on Walmersley Road, Bury, into semi-independent living space for five residents aged 16- 25.

The plans state the building would be used to "provide the youngsters with the life and social skills to become independent from the care system".

The Walmersley Road property is two linked terraced houses.

Applicant The Cherry Blossom Family said in planning documents supporting the application that the care home would "seek to provide sensitive and personalised care for a maximum of five young people, aged between 16 -25, who would all be in either education or an employment start up programme, who require personal support and training to allow them to live independently, once they leave Walmersley Road".

Five of the six self-contained flats would be retained, while the flat on the ground floor would be converted into office accommodation for care staff.

There would be three members of staff present during the day and two at night, sleeping over.

The planning statement also gives details of a curfew for residents.

It said: “A curfew of 11pm from Sunday to Thursday and midnight on Friday and Saturday would be strictly enforced (supported by CCTV), so as to ensure there are no problems associated with noise or disturbance.”

The documents said care staff, over a maximum two-year period, would provide the young people with a range of skills to move successfully to more independent living and to develop the responsibilities associated with adulthood.

The report said: “The personal and general support programmes would include cooking, budgeting, personal hygiene and finding employment or college opportunities as well as keeping their home safe and secure.

“As with most types of care in the community, some additional controls would be introduced as part of the management of the site, meaning that alcohol and non-prescription drugs will be strictly prohibited and any misuse will result in the placement being terminated immediately.”

Planners at the council will now decide on the change for use plans for the building.