A student from Bury is celebrating after achieving a fantastic set of A levels results.

Jemimah Allmand-Smith, who studied at Giggleswick School in Settle, North Yorkshire, received four A*s in English literature, history, religious studies and Latin.

She will now read classics at Cambridge University.

READ NEXT > Live updates as students in Bury receive A levels results

Jemimah, former deputy head girl at the school, praised the level of education she received.

She said: “The big thing that makes Giggleswick unique, in my experience, is the environment.

"It can foster your love for learning and your love for co-curricular.

"My teachers have always been so supportive, they’ve always challenged me and pushed me to reach the best I can with my academics.

"Having the opportunity to take part and be involved in so many different academic, musical, and sporting interests of mine has been amazing.”

A total of 56 students took their A levels at the independent school this year.

Headmaster Sam Hart added: “I am pleased with the results which reflect considerable hard work and determination.

"Across the cohort, pupils have secured excellent offers.

"Whether it be Cambridge, leading Russell Group universities, degree apprenticeships or apprenticeships, they are heading off to exciting futures.

"I am particularly delighted that Eleanor and Jemimah have secured their Cambridge offers to read medicine and classics – a very fine achievement against strong competition.

"However, there is much to celebrate across the board for a year group that sat their first every set of public exams this year. I have been impressed by their resilience, ambition and desire to follow their interests beyond Giggleswick.”