A swimming pool and leisure centre are set to be demolished to make way for temporary accommodation for 150 pupils while a new high school is built around it.

The Spring Lane site in Radcliffe will be the home of a long awaited new school if plans submitted to the council this week go ahead.

The Star Academies application is for a 150-place temporary secondary school building, just for Year 7 pupils.

It will be required during the construction of a permanent school building on the same site and is anticipated to be used for two academic years starting from September 2024.

The permanent school building, which will eventually educate up to 750 students, will be subject to a separate planning application.

The 1,183 square metre temporary building will have a range of classrooms, staff and support spaces relating to the delivery of a Year 7 secondary curriculum.

The swimming pool and other leisure facilities are set to be demolished under the proposal.

They will be relocated to the new civic hub development in Radcliffe town centre.

Radcliffes current swimming pool and leisure centre will be demolished if the plans go ahead

Radcliffe's current swimming pool and leisure centre will be demolished if the plans go ahead

A design and access statement with the plans said: “The temporary accommodation for Star Academy Radcliffe has been thoughtfully planned to ensure a seamless transition while the main school building is under construction.

“The temporary accommodation building is situated north of the existing parking area off Spring Lane, providing easy access for staff, visitors, and pupils.

“The existing car park has been retained to maintain sufficient parking space for the temporary facility.

“To facilitate smoother traffic flow, the access road has been widened to allow for two-way traffic.”

The ground floor of the temporary building will have areas for dining, pupil storage, sport changing rooms and a small amount of teaching space.

Teaching spaces will also be on the first floor. The application said an outdoor tarmac hard-court area is proposed for outdoor play and socialising.

Next to the outdoor play area, the existing multi-use games Area (MUGA) will be for sporting facilities during the temporary phase. Subject to planning permission, construction work on the permanent school would start in spring 2024, with completion planned for summer 2025.

The council will consider the planning application in the coming weeks.