Parents are now able to apply for places at high schools in September next year - including at a much-awaited new school.

Those who have children in Year 6 in borough primary schools will receive a letter explaining the process on or around Tuesday, September 5, which will include details of open days.

The new secondary school in Radcliffe, which is set to be built off Spring Lane, Star Radcliffe Academy, will open for its first intake next year.

The school will open using temporary teaching facilities on the site to welcome the first cohort of 150 students next year.

And it is hoped Radcliffe parents will apply for places at the school.

Earlier this year, Bury South MP Christian Wakeford said the lack of a high school in Radcliffe was having "a significant societal effect on the town" and urged the government to press ahead with building the school.

He added: He said: “Education is fundamental to Radcliffe’s growth, its community and to its future regeneration."

Parents wishing to send their children to the new school must apply to the school’s trust directly.

This will not be available as a preference option on the council’s application form.

The school website,, will go live this month and will provide further information about the school and details of how to apply for a place.

Parents who apply for Star Radcliffe Academy should still apply for other schools on their application to the council.

The online admissions system is the quickest and easiest way of applying for a place and this can be found at

The closing date for applications is October 31.

Any received after this date will be treated as late applications and will not be considered until after all the on-time applications have been allocated.

Parents will be informed next March which secondary school place their child has been awarded.