A scout group could be forced to close next month after more than half a century due to a lack of volunteers.

The 9th Bury and Ramsbottom St Philips Scout Group, which meets at St Phillips Church Hall on Chatterton Road, has launched an urgent appeal for volunteers after a number of scout leaders stepped down from the group in recent months.

The group have warned it could be forced to close as early as next month if more volunteers are not found to help.

The group has been a fixture in the town for 56 years but says it will be forced to close on October 20 due to a shortage of volunteers, including activity planners and craft creators.

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Assistant District Commissioner, Charlie Kemp, says the group has been left “in a bit of a pickle” after a large number volunteers have had to step down from their positions.

He said: “We’re just trying to get more volunteers to help where we can.

“To run a group we need at least a couple of volunteers per section, it’s not just this group but other groups need support."

He added that available roles are varied and you don’t need to have any prior experience to sign up.

“There is a role for everyone,” he added.

Charlie says that volunteering with the Scouts can be a great way to boost mental wellbeing, as well as making friends and learning new skills. He stressed that volunteering hours can be flexible to suit leaders’ schedules.

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“The Scouts teach skills for life, it teaches empathy and makes you more well-rounded,” he said.

Charlie recommended that anyone wishing to get involved with the 9th Bury and Ramsbottom – St Philips should contact Scouts Group Scout Leader, Richard Thatcher, by e-mail at richard.thatcher@brscouts.org.uk.

There are also vacancies at other other Scout groups and those interested should contact recruitment@brscouts.org.uk or visit www.brscouts.org.uk.