A consultation document has been published as government ministers seek views on how to lessen the appeal of vapes among children amid a "worrying rise".

Among the options being considered is the complete ban on disposable vapes and restrictions on the flavours and colours these products can be sold in.

The consultation will seek views from charities, groups and individuals over an eight-week period.

This comes after a pledge from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to effectively make it illegal for anyone aged 14 or under to ever buy cigerettes in their lives.

Ministers considering total ban on disposable vapes amid consultation

Beyond the total ban on disposable vapes in England, plans to do away with flavour names are also being considered by the government.

This would see names like "candy floss" removed and replaced with generic ones instead.

There could also be a prohibition on cartoons and child-friendly imagery on packaging to help deter brands from appealing to children as well as on-the-spot fines for those selling to underage customers.

Experts at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza have called for a total ban on disposable vapes after a 50% rise in child use.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said its document would consider “restricting the sale of disposable vapes, which are clearly linked to the rise in vaping in children”.

It added: “These products are not only attractive to children but also incredibly harmful to the environment.”

However, the government states that it doesn't want to deter adult smokers from switching to e-cigarettes.

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay said: “There has been a surge in vaping amongst children, which is why we’re taking action to reduce the appeal and availability of vapes.

“Vapes should never be used by children and we’re committed to reversing this trend.

“We also need to take bold action to protect future generations from the harms of smoking addiction, which damages health at every stage of life and costs the economy billions.”

Professor Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, added: “Ensuring people do not become addicted to smoking, and helping them overcome addiction to stop smoking are two of the best interventions for health.

“Vaping is less dangerous than smoking but still has risks and can cause addiction.

“Vaping can be useful for smokers to quit but should not be marketed to non-smokers and marketing them to children is utterly unacceptable.”