A Bury shop has had its licence revoked after illegal cigarettes and vapes were confiscated from the premises.

Killon Street Off Licence on Price Street had its licence revoked and its designated premises supervisor (DPS) removed after a council committee found it had breached its obligation to prevent crime and disorder and protect children from harm.

The local authority's licensing hearing sub-committee heard at a meeting last week that "illicit cigarettes and illegal vapes" were discovered on the premises.

In April, Trading Standards and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) entered the premises with a warrant where they seized 39 illegal vapes and 40 cartons of illicit cigarettes.

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On the following day, another shop owned by the same premises supervisor was visited as part of GMP’s ongoing Operation Avro scheme, during which officers found illegal drugs.

The licensing officer says the shop owner failed to produce a refusals register, which record of any person refused sale of age-restricted items, or CCTV footage.

The licensing officer’s report said: “I visited the premises alongside Trading Standards and GMP who had a warrant.

“Under the counter in a black rubbish bag there were six empty bottles which were a 700ml Jack Daniels, two 350ml Jack Daniels, 3 200ml Jack Daniels and one 200ml Smirnoff.

“There was no current refusals register.”

The opening and serving of alcohol is not permitted in a shop licensed for off sales.

A report by a Trading Standards officer who also visited the premises in April added: “Under the counter was a bag containing 30 x 20 gold leaf cigarettes, 10 x 20 Pall Mall cigarettes, neither of which were in standardised packaging which breached the Tobacco and Related Product Regulations 2016.

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“I found 39 disposable vapes which breached the same legislation, all above the maximum permitted limit.”

The report added that the licence holder had also failed to mark alcohol with identifying label so it can be traced if sold to anyone underage.

The sub-committee unanimously agreed to revoke the premise license and remove the designated premises supervisor.

Attempts have been made to contact Killon Street Off Licence for a comment about the decision.