Police could be set to move to an “enforcement stage” to deal with issues around school parking.

The recurring issue was discussed at a Partners and Community Together meeting in Radcliffe last week.

PC Adam Bateman has said how many of the attendees at the meeting wanted officers to deal with parking issues in the Radcliffe West area around school pick up and drop off times.

He said: “As a neighbourhood policing team, we have spent most of the past year in an engagement and explain phase, whilst working with the schools, to encourage proper lawful parking.

“We’ve used our discretion with lots of drivers because we understand the problem parents face on these tight roads, with the levels of traffic we all see in Radcliffe every day.

“However, the problems have continued to persist with regards to school parking, and so we are looking at moving into an enforcement stage, to try and look at problem-solving the issue another way.”

PC Bateman says that on Monday morning, officers patrolled around several schools that had been highlighted by people at the meeting and reported no issues this time.

He said: “However, two vehicles, unconnected to the school, but parked just next to St Johns Primary, received Fixed Penalty Notices for causing unnecessary obstructions.

“These vehicles were parked either wholly or mostly on the pavement, forcing pedestrians, including children, to walk into the road to get passed.”

He added: “Later, a motorist was issued a traffic offence report for driving while using a mobile phone on Pilkington Way.

“We know there are concerns regarding driving and parking in Radcliffe, following the recent road traffic collisions and we are committed to policing the roads to address this point.”