A four-storey block of flats is set to be built at the site of a riverside pub demolished shortly after the Boxing Day floods of 2015.

Opulwood Developments plan to build 16 apartments on the car park area of the former Waterside pub, Kay Street, Summerseat, close to the River Irwell.

The area has been used to store materials but has since been cleared.

It is within the green belt and the Brooksbottoms conservation area, near Ramsbottom.

Plans to be put before Bury Council’s planning committee next Tuesday, state: “The River Irwell forms the boundary to the north and there are residential properties to the south and west opposite Kay Street.

“There is a commercial building and a block of residential apartments to the north on the opposite bank of the river.

“Both of these buildings are Grade II listed. “The proposed development comprises the erection of a single building containing 16 apartments, four storeys in height and would be constructed from stone with a zinc clad top floor.

“The site would be accessed from Kay Street and parking 30 spaces would be provided.”

A total of 10 letters of objection were received.

Issues included that the plans were ‘totally out of keeping with the conservation area’ and that ‘the development is more in keeping with Manchester city centre than this sensitive historic area’.

Traffic problems were also cited with one resident saying ‘there are delays all the time when using the bridge without adding another entrance and exit’.

On flood risk the application said an assessment found that the site would not experience flooding during a one in 100 year flood event, a one 1 in 100 year plus 30 per cent climate change event and a one in 100 year plus 35 per cent climate change flood event.

An extreme one in 1,000 year flood event would flood the lowest part of the site to a maximum depth of 0.14 m. The Environment Agency has no objections to the proposed development subject to conditions.

The 200-year-old landmark Waterside pub partially collapsed into the swollen river on Boxing Day 2015. The flood sent beer barrels and other debris crashing down the river.

Just days later it was demolished.