In the cut and thrust of British politics, accusations often fly thick and fast. The most recent, that Labour is a party of U-turns.

However, recent history reveals a different story, one of hypocrisy and double standards within the Conservative ranks.

The term "U-turn" has become a ubiquitous feature of political discourse, synonymous with policy reversals and backtracking.

It is a label that the Conservatives have eagerly applied to their opponents, seeking to paint them as indecisive and lacking in conviction.

Yet, a closer examination of the Conservative Party's own track record since 2019 reveals a litany of U-turns that belies their sanctimonious rhetoric.

Let's start with one of the most glaring examples- the handling of the free school meals provision during school holidays.

In October 2020, the Conservative government faced widespread criticism for voting against extending free school meals to vulnerable children during the holidays, only to perform a dramatic U-turn just weeks later in the face of mounting public pressure.

This in particular had a huge local impact not only on today’s children in Bury but the future ones too.

I was told by the then Education Secretary who said Radcliffe would not get the promised new high school if I had voted for children to not be left hungry that winter.

Bury Times: Bury South MP Christian WakefordBury South MP Christian Wakeford (Image: Public)

This volte-face laid bare the callous indifference of the government towards the plight of struggling families, exposing the yawning gap between their rhetoric and reality.

The handling of the pandemic has been another fertile ground for Conservative U-turns.

From the fiasco surrounding the A-level and GCSE results algorithm to the chaotic introduction and subsequent abandonment of the "Eat Out to Help Out" scheme, the government's response has been characterized by a series of hasty retreats in the face of public outcry and mounting evidence of failure.

These U-turns have not only eroded trust in the government's competence but also highlighted its propensity for reckless decision-making.

Moreover, the Conservative Party's stance on key policy issues has been marked by inconsistency and opportunism.

Similarly, the Conservative Party's approach to public spending has been characterised by a series of U-turns and broken promises.

Despite pledging to maintain the "triple lock" on pensions and protect the NHS from privatisation, the government has presided over a sustained assault on public services and social welfare, culminating in the controversial decision to cut foreign aid spending – a move that sparked widespread condemnation and accusations of moral bankruptcy.

In light of these examples, the Conservative Party's attempts to portray Labour as the party of U-turns appear increasingly hollow and disingenuous.

While no political party is immune to the pressures of governing, the Conservatives' record of policy reversals and broken promises stands as a stark reminder of the dangers of hubris and hypocrisy in politics.

If the Conservative Party is serious about holding others to account for their alleged U-turns, perhaps they should first take a long, hard look in the mirror.