An electrical waste solutions firm has shown its generosity towards a vital borough cause.

REPIC, which has its headquarters on Waterfold Business Park in Bury, runs the UK’s largest waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) compliance scheme.

It has now made a donation to Bury Cancer Support Centre as part of its WEEE Cycle event legacy.

The donation comes at a time when both organisations have been celebrating their 20th anniversaries.

The cancer centre, selected by REPIC employee Jack Studholme, who has previously volunteered for the organisation, will receive a £375 contribution from the business.

Representatives from REPIC have visited the centre to meet the staff, volunteers and take a tour of the facility.

REPIC has now contributed more than £2,000 to borough charities, including Andy's Man Club, Bury Sport Academy junior football team and 9th Heywood Scout Group.

These donations were selected by employees as part of the company's nationwide WEEE Cycle event, commemorating the 15th anniversary of electrical recycling in the UK.

The final donation made to the cancer centre has brought the total amount donated by REPIC and its supporters to £15,000, serving as a fitting legacy to the 15-day cycle event to showcase the importance of recycling electricals in the UK.

REPIC chief executive Louise Grantham said: "As we commemorate two milestone anniversaries in our own sector, we are reminded of the importance of giving back to the local community that has been integral to our success.

“Bury Cancer Support Centre plays a vital role in our community, and we are honoured to support this worthwhile cause."

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Bury Cancer Support Centre manager, Jan Katana, added: "We are incredibly grateful for the donation from REPIC.

“This contribution will greatly assist us in our mission to continue to provide additional care and support to cancer patients.

“It’s heartening to see local businesses like REPIC stepping up to make a difference, especially during such a significant milestone for both our organisations."

REPIC has also expressed its intention to continue supporting Bury Cancer Support Centre with further donations this year.