Six people suspected of carrying out an attack against someone in Bury town centre have been "apprehended" by police.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said due to "increased reports of robberies and anti-social behaviour", officers were patrolling the town centre on Saturday evening.

And a team of the force's plain clothes officers reportedly "apprehended" six people thought to be involved in an attack.

No arrests or further details in relation to the incident have been reported.

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A police spokesperson said: "Officers from GMP Transport Unit, Specialist Operations, have been on patrol in Bury town centre this evening (Saturday) due to increased reports of robberies and anti-social behaviour.

"Fortunately a team of our plain clothes officers have been able to apprehend six offenders suspected be involved in an attack on a member of the public.

"Their efforts and quick response have prevented a serious assault." 

To report crime in your area contact police on 101 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.