Greater Manchester's deputy mayor has been to Ramsbottom fire station to see the value of the work that the crew put in for the good of the community.

Kate Green and councillors attended the Stubbins Lane station to learn more about the ties the team has with the public.

The station has 13 firefighters who all live locally, within four minutes of the site, and cover day shifts and are on call at night.


Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) has recently invested £3.5m for new 12 fire engines.

And it is the first time in 15 years the service has increased its fire engine fleet, the first in the country to do so.

Ramsbottom Cllr Gareth Staples-Jones said "It was great to have Kate down at the station.

"Kate is really knowledgeable about devolved matters in Greater Manchester, the way GMFRS is funded and it's obvious she has a passion for our fire crews wellbeing.

“We all know the crew and bump into most of them in Ramsbottom - they work incredibly hard on the job but also at maintaining their local relationships.

“Being a firefighter isn’t just a day job, crews continually train to the highest standards to ensure they get the job done when things go wrong, they’re the ones choosing to put themselves in harm’s way to help others.

"We're grateful and proud to have them as our firefighters."