Police are investigating the borough's local elections results after allegations of fraud.

The fraud accusations concern the Redvales ward, in which the Labour-run council's deputy leader Cllr Tamoor Tariq won, having received 1,155 votes.

In that ward, Shabaz Shamin from the Workers Party finished second with 962 votes, Mazhar Aslam for the Conservatives came third with 410 votes, Paul Johnstone for the Greens attracted 378 votes and Mirza Hamie for Bury Independents amassed 184 votes.

Read more: Bury's ruling party celebrates 'strong position' after local elections results

Read more: All the results from Bury Council local elections

It is understood the council and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) are investigating a claim there was a conflict of interest on polling day regarding a family member of Cllr Tariq being a polling official.

Cllr Tariq has been approached for a comment about the investigation.

A council spokesperson said Greater Manchester Police is leading the investigation, and the local authority will act in accordance with the result of the force's probe.

A GMP spokesperson said enquiries are "very much in their infancy" and there are not expected to be any updates for some time.