A number of people from Bury have recently been before the courts.

Magistrates courts have dealt with a variety of offences including driving ones, handling stolen and assault.

Here are the people who have recently been in court.

John Alder attacked a man in Bury causing him actual bodily harm in May last year.

The 41-year-old admitted the offence at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Alder, from New Road, Radcliffe, was jailed for 24 weeks.

The reasons given for this were the offence was “so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified” and that he has a “flagrant disregard for people and their property” and “the offence was aggravated by being committed whilst on a community order.”

Billy Jones damaged a win mirror at the Royal Bolton Hospital causing £150 of damage in December last year.

Jones, from Palatine Drive, Bury, admitted the offence at Manchester Magistrates court.

The 32-year-old was placed on a community to last for a year and as part of this was ordered to do 20 rehabilitation activity days, fined £50 and ordered to pay compensation of £150.

Peter Stewart failed to provide a specimen of breath of analysis.

The 28-year-old was required to provide a specimen as part of an investigation into whether he had carried out an offence in Salford.

However he failed to provide one during the incident earlier this month.

Stewart, from Heywood Road, Prestwich, admitted the offence at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Following this he was placed on a community order to last for a year and ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work, and 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also banned from the roads for three years.

Read more: Bury's most wanted

Read more: Drivers stopped by police for speeding

Read more: Police arrest man after motorcycle pursuit

Jana Peterova handled stolen goods in November last year.

She took control of a TV worth £75 which had been stolen from Bury Hospice which she knew or believed to be stolen.

In May this year she also failed to attend at court when required to do so.

The 28-year-old admitted the two offences at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Peterova, from Wash Lane, Bury, was placed on a community order to last for a year.

She was fined £100 and ordered to do 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.