A sexual predator from Radcliffe who preyed on young girls and took horrifying pictures of them has been jailed for 15 years.

Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court heard Peter Wright targeted a girl who went on to tell her mother what had happened.

The 53-year-old sexually assaulted her in multiple ways including touching her breasts.

The girl then called her mother and Wright was arrested a short time later.

When police recovered a device they found indecent images of the girl he had abused and him recording a sexual assault on her.

There were also indecent images of another girl which he had taken.

Wright, of Douglas Chase, denied his sickening conduct and went on trial.

He claimed at the trial he had no memory and must have been in a state of parasomnia.

But a jury saw through this and convicted him of four counts of sexual assault of a child.

He was also convicted of two counts of making category C images of children and one count of making category B images.

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His victim spoke in court and read a heartbreaking victim personal impact.

She said: “I can’t look at my body in the same way again. I can’t feel safe around men.

“I can’t hug my dad and grandad.

“I can’t go out and feel safe, I feel everyone is looking at me.

“My life will never be the same.

“I have had to have therapy which my family have paid for, I have had 20 sessions and extra with CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) taking it to 32.

“No amount of prison time will make up for how you made me feel.”

Keith Harrison, defending, said: “The points of mitigation are these.

“Firstly his previous good character, secondly his positive work record.

“He has repaired computers for a lot of people and not charged them for it.

“He will lose his home and lose his business as a result of the inevitable custodial sentence.”

Judge Matthew Corbett-Jones jailed him for 15 years.

He marked him as an offender of particular concern which means he will serve a minimum of ten years before he can be considered for parole.

He also imposed a sexual harm prevention order and made him the subject to the sex offenders register for life.

As well as this he imposed a restraining order banning him from contacting his victims for 15 years.