A "sweet shop" of drugs worth thousands of pounds as part of a "very profitable" criminal operation was discovered at a property.

Kyle Holmes was found in possession of large quantities of Class A and B drugs following a police raid on his home on Maxwell Street in Bury in February 2021.

The raid uncovered cocaine, cannabis and MDMA as well as confectionary containing THC, an illegal, psychoactive compound found in cannabis.

At Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court on Monday, a judge heard the total value of the drugs was estimated to be £22,970.

Among the drugs found, police uncovered 150 packs of sweets containing THC, labelled "magic munchies fruit salad". 

They also found 22 vacuum-packed packets of chocolate bars, including KitKats and Smarties which were laced with the compound.

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Holmes, 32, pleaded guilty to four charges, including possession of cocaine with the intent to supply, possession of MDMA with the intent to supply, possession of cannabis with intent to supply and possession of other Class B drugs with intent to supply.

Philip Hall, prosecuting, told the court that a "significant quantity of Class A drugs" was discovered throughout the property, including in a shed and in a BWM parked outside.

Officers also found kitchen scales, snap bags and £3,600 in cash.

Mr Hall said: “This defendant was running a very profitable drug dealing enterprise.”

He added that around 15g of "low purity" cocaine was recovered, along with boric acid and benzocaine which are added to purer cocaine to extend the quantity which can be sold.

Mr Hall added: “This suggests the defendant was sourcing and adulterating cocaine to maximise its profit.”

Michael James defending, said there had been a “significant delay” in sentencing Holmes, who first appeared in court for the offence in October 2023.

He said that the dad-of-one had become involved with the supply of drugs after getting into debt, but had not earned a large amount due to the decreased value of the substances during the Covid lockdown.

Mr James added: “He became aware of the availability of these drugs and I’m afraid to say that having accrued some debts this became an opportunity he took up with a view of resolving his debts."

He said Holmes has dyslexia and lived with his mother and stepfather.

Mr James continued to say that Holmes had no part in adding branded packaging to the confectionary products laced with THC.

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He said: “He has not been involved in branding products, he had experimented in making brownies, mainly for himself and for friends, but it is not the case that he is placing things in plastic packaging and putting branding on it."

Sentencing Holmes, Judge Johnathan Seely accepted his “genuine remorse” and “substantial personal mitigation” calling the operation at this home, “a bit of a sweet shop, literally".

However, he told the court he had no choice but to send him to jail.

He said: “At face value [the character references] seem to suggest that you have really thought long and hard about your situation and you very much regret having committed these offences, and you are genuinely remorseful.”

He sentenced Holmes to three years and nine months in prison.